Performance monitoring in automated tests

Performance monitoring in automated tests


“Appium is an open source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid and mobile web apps. It drives iOS, Android, and Windows apps using the WebDriver protocol.”

JavaScript and Android example

Please note this functionality is available from v0.9.0 of the SDK.

Example scripts and helper functionality for JavaScript, C# and Java are available from the Unity package tarball in package/Extras~/appium.

In your SDK configuration, set sdkAPIControlEnable to true. The Appium integration is an API controlled mode, thus automatic mode needs to be disabled.

Build your project with the SDK included and create an APK.

Install and start Appium

Start Appium and connect a local device.

> npm install -g appium  # get appium
> npm install wd         # get appium client
> appium &               # start appium

Run node Example.js /path/to/apk. The Example.js script and GamebenchHelper.js can be found in package/Extras~/appium/js.


We will add information on integration with Selenium soon.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via

Last updated on