Studio SDK

The GameBench SDK is a native library for iOS and Android that, once integrated, quietly captures performance data and screenshots from inside your game, without the need for any external applications. The data is uploaded to a GameBench server for later analysis.


GameBench Pro account required.


Integration is done either by adding the library to your project as you would any other third-party library, or in a post-build step.

You do not have to write code to use GameBench but if you need programmable control we offer APIs in C#, C, and Java. The native library also exposes an automation interface for use with external Appium/WebDriver test scripts.

Supported Platforms

  • Android 5.0+
  • iOS 10.0+ (64-bit only)
  • tvOS 10.0+

NB: Hardware platforms only. Emulators are not supported.

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