
The below measurements are from early 2021. It’ll be updated soon.

Executable size

GameBench will add around 0.9MB to your Android .apk and 0.6MB to your iOS .ipa (or just 0.3MB if you only build arm64).

RAM usage

GameBench performs very little dynamic allocation and it’s impact on RAM usage is reasonably constant at around ~200KB on both iOS and Android.

CPU and Power usage

To measure the impact of GameBench on CPU and Power usage we profiled game demos on common devices to measure the difference once GameBench was enabled. Each game demo required no user input and therefore performed the same path each time, each ran a minimum of 3 times and for the same duration each time.


iPhone 11 Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra
CPU 0.17% 0.12%


Device Without SDK (3 mins) With SDK
Huawei P40 Pro (Run1) 247.6 248
Huawei P40 Pro (Run2) 247.5 248.8
Huawei P40 Pro (Run3) 247.5 248.6
Avg - 247.5 mA Avg - 248.5 (~1 mA overhead)
iPhone 11 Pro Max (Run1) 191 191.87
iPhone 11 Pro Max (Run2) 199 199.28
iPhone 11 Pro Max (Run3) 190.6 191
Avg - 193.5 mA Avg - 194.05 (~0.6 mA overhead)

Storage and upload size overhead - 10Kb for 10 mins session


Screenshots can have a significant impact on session data sizes and upload times so GameBench screenshots use lossy JPEG compression to minimize this. For a typical smartphone with a ~3 megapixel screen a full-size capture will be saved at 50% JPEG quality and occupy roughly 100KB of storage. If you need very frequent screenshots we recommend using one of the reduced size capture options which need much less space.

Last updated on