Configuration Reference

Configuration Reference

Key Type Default Description
administratorEmail string Used within the update required notification in the dashboard
apiTokenSecret string
backendSsl boolean false If set to true, the application will use the HTTPS scheme for all URLs
bindMountGameBenchDirectory boolean false If set to true, gameBenchDirectory will be bind mounted into the backend and queue-worker containers
deploySignup boolean false If set to true, a separate sign up container will be deployed - available via /open-signup. This signup page does not require any authentication so use with caution.
enableNginxProxyProtocol boolean false Only enable this if you have a load balancer in place which expects to communicate with its upstream using the proxy protocol. You may need to restart the frontend container after enabling this: docker restart frontend.
enableNginxTls boolean false If you wish to terminate TLS on the server, use this option. In the current directory, create a new directory called certs and add the private key (key.pem) and cert (cert.pem.) The cert.pem should contain any intermediate certificates.
externalPostgres boolean false Set to true if you wish to use a separate Postgres server
externalRedis boolean false Set to true if you wish to use a separate Redis server
frontendHost string Host used for URLs within the application
frontendPort string "80" Port used for URLs within the application
gameBenchDirectory string Only used if bindMountGameBenchDirectory is set to true
googleApplicationCredentialsPath string Path to Google Cloud service account JSON key file. Only required if googleCloudFileStorage is true
googleCloudFileStorage boolean false Use Google Cloud Storage to store files
googleCloudFileStorageBucket string Google Cloud Storage bucket. Only required if googleCloudFileStorage is true
googleCloudFileStorageProjectId string Google Cloud Storage project ID. Only required if googleCloudFileStorage is true
imagePrefix string ""
licenseDir string Absolute path to the directory containing the license files on the server
mailFrom string Email address to use as from address
mailHost string SMTP host
mailPass string SMTP password
mailPort string SMTP port
mailSecure boolean false If true the connection will use TLS when connecting to server. If false (the default) then TLS is used if server supports the STARTTLS extension. In most cases set this value to true if you are connecting to port 465. For port 587 or 25 keep it false
mailUser string SMTP user
nginxClientMaxBodySize string "100m" Sets the maximum allowed size of the client request body. Increase this if you encounter 413 (Request Entity Too Large) errors when uploading sessions. You may need to restart the frontend container after updating this: docker restart frontend.
postgresHost string "postgres"
postgresPassword string
postgresPort string "5432"
postgresUsername string "postgres"
publishPortsToHost boolean true
redisAuth string
redisHost string "redis"
setupJwtSecret string
setupPassword string
version string
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