
GameBench configuration is done either with a JSON configuration file at build time, or through APIs at runtime.


url URL of the GameBench server to which session data will be uploaded.

  • GameBench Cloud users should use
  • Private server users should use their own URL.

user (or email) The email address or LDAP username associated with your GameBench account. We recommend using a dedicated email account to store GameBench sessions.

token API token (a hex string). See the API token documentation for more details.


The SDK collects metric data at configurable intervals expressed in seconds. Each metric has a three-letter identifier. The configurable metric identifiers are:


NB: Frames per second (FPS) is also a metric but it is not configurable… it is always collected and always at the rate of once per second.


For configuration purposes, screenshots are just other types of metrics. Five sizes of screenshot are presently supported, their identifiers are:

    SS0 : Full-size (100%)
    SS1 : ¹⁄₂ size (50%)
    SS2 : ¹⁄₄ size (25%)
    SS3 : ¹⁄₈ size (12.5%)
    SS4 : ¹⁄₁₆ size (6.75%)

In this example a 1/8th size screenshot is scheduled to occur every 2 seconds and a full-size screenshot every 30 seconds:


autoSession Boolean value controlling whether sessions are automatically recorded while the application is foregrounded.

markSceneChanges Unity-specific boolean value. When set to ’true’, scene changes will be automatically recorded as marker events. Default is ’true'.

verboseLog Boolean value useful for troubleshooting, when set to ’true’ GameBench will write more information to the system log.

tags Tags are an unordered set of comma-delimited key=value string pairs that are useful for identifying sessions or groups of sessions in the Analysis area of the Web Dashboard.

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